The department was established in the year 2009 under the leadership of Prof Dinakaran, a veteran in the field of Electrical Engineering. A team of dedicated and highly qualified faculty gives individual attention to students in bringing out the best in them and to make them globally competitive. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has embarked on research projects in harnessing and utilization of Solar Power and in enhancing power quality. The department has sophisticated and well-equipped labs with all modern machinery that encourage students to undertake projects internally. The department is committed in nurturing a generation of socially responsible engineers and hence the students are encouraged to take up socially relevant projects. The Department maintains good tie-up with industries and this helps the students to take part in live industrial projects.
Programmes offered:
Under Graduate : B-Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
To inculcate research and entrepreneurial skills through high-quality engineering education and envisage a community of socially committed and critically reflexive Electrical Engineers who can be the future leaders of the power and energy sector.
Provide an excellent academic environment conducive to the overall development of students. Mould skilled engineers through rigorous training with a committed team of qualified teachers. Expose the students to industrial and research fields of Electrical Engineering to make them aware of developing product oriented designs. Equip the students to compete in national and international job markets to meet the changing requirements of the corporate world
ISTE Life Member
1. V. Padmanabhan, V. Beena and M. Jayaraju, "Fuzzy logic based Maximum Power Point Tracker for a Photovoltaicsystem," International Conference on Power, Signals, Controls and Computation, 2012, pp.1-6, doi:10.1109/EPSCICON.2012.6175255.1. |
2. V. Padmanabhan, V. Beena and M. Jayaraju, "Maximum Power Point Tracking using a Fuzzy Logic Controller for a stand alone PV system" -NATCON2012,Nationalconference organized by CERD at government Engineering college Thrissur. |
3. V. Padmanabhan, V. Beena and M. Jayaraju "An intelligent Maximum Power Point Tracker for a standalone PV system" – ENCON 2011, a National level technical paperpresentation organized by Energy Conservation Society. |
1.VK. Fasil,S. Karmakar,"Propertis and applications of solid dielectric materials"-ICPADM 2012,IEEE international conference organized by Central Power Research Institute ,Bangalore |
2. VK. Fasil,Power Flow Analysis of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid(International conference on recent advances in electrical engineering-2016 , Organized by Jyothi engineering college |
3. VK. Fasil,Negma Iqbal"Synchronous power controller for HVDC links with SMES coil in multi area power system",International multi conference on computing,communication,electrical and nanotechnology-2018 (Organized by Mangalam college of engineering,Ettumanoor |
4. VK. Fasil,Deepak M,"Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter Based THD Mitigation for Medium and High Voltage Applications"(Conducted by Saingits college of engineering-2017) |
5. VK. Fasil,Deepak M,"DCMLI based THD mitigation for medium and high voltage applications"(International conference on trends in engineering and technology-2015) |
6.VK. Fasil,Neenu Mohan,"Advanced Control Strategy For Solar PV And Battery Storage Integration Using A Three-level NPC Inverter -2017"(International conference on applied sciences and engineering Technology, conducted by Royal college of engineering and technology) |
7. VK. Fasil,Neenu Mohan,"Advanced Control Strategy For Solar PV And Battery Storage Integration Using A Three-level NPC Inverter" (International journal of engineering research and technology IJERT 2017 volume 6-issue 04,ISSN:2278-0181,doi 10.17577/IJERTV6IS040330 |
District Level Seminar Series
Ms. Swetha R Nair and Ms. Neeraja Menon of S8 EEE has acquired third prize in 10th district level Seminar series organized by KSEB Engineers Association held at Sahrudaya Engineering college on 16th March 2019.