B. Tech courses were started at Thejus Engineering College from the academic year 2009-10.
Computer Science & Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronics & Computer Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Total Seat | 60 |
Civil Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. It comprises of several sub disciplines including Environmental Engg., Geotechnical Engg., Structural Engg., Transportation Engg., Water Resource Engg., Materials Engg., Coastal Engg., etc. The economic growth and industrialization had created an increasing demand for infrastructure development globally, which has brought the lime light back to Civil Engineering
Total Seat | 90 |
The Computer Science & Engineering discipline emerged as a technology dependent economy over the last few years. The Department of Computer Science & Engineering helps the student to acquire the knowledge, skill, and attitude to succeed as an Engineer or Scientist in an industry, built on Computational technology. Apart from extending training to the undergraduate students within the frame work of the university curriculum, special emphasis is given for further value addition by way of imparting training to the students on emerging areas that cater to varying needs of students who desire an IT oriented carrier.
As a collegial Department we provide and support high quality education and training to encourage independent and thinking and initiatives. A close rapport is maintain with researchers of computational interest in other Universities within the country and abroad. Faculties and students co-ordinates with investigators of available research Institutions or industrial organizations to be at pace with the fast changing trends of IT industry.
Total Seat | 60 |
B. Tech in Electronics & Computer Engineering is a four-year cross-discipline undergraduate program designed to impart skills in electronics hardware, software, and IT development. The program deals with the design of computers and computer systems along with electronic hardware concepts and design of new hardware and software.
The curriculum covers intensive courses on Programming and Algorithms such as Problem Solving methods, Data Structures, OOPs, Software Application Design, etc. It also covers courses to establish electronics fundamentals such as Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronics, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing, etc. In the future, graduates having this type of co-design skill set will be required in a vast number of industries ranging from Software Application Design, Software Development, Networking, IoT, Semiconductor Industry, VLSI & Embedded Systems Design, Defense, Aeronautical, Automobile, Healthcare, and Agriculture Applications.
The Department is provided with modern facilities and high-end equipments for stimulating and tuning the inner talents of the students to global standards. Workshops, seminars, conferences, and training programs are organized regularly to catch up with emerging technologies and to update the latest developments in the relevant field. Keeping in mind the great potential and demand for new communication technologies, the department aims at imparting its students with the latest knowledge in the area. To accomplish this, the department has well-stocked laboratories housing various modern equipments and special software packages to enable the students to keep pace with the fast-changing technology.
Total Seat | 30 |
Efficient Generation, Transmission and Distribution of power lie on the shoulders of Electrical Engineers. The three C’s?Conditioning, Control and Conversion of power using semiconductor devices (Power Electronics) has helped in the miniaturization of many electrical equipments used at present. Another facet of Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering, has become an integral part of modern manufacturing and industrial processes. As the per capita consumption of electricity is the window to the socio-economic condition of the nation, the role of an Electrical Engineer is indispensable in the society.
The Electrical Engineering department of TEC has dedicated and highly qualified faculty who give individual attention to the students promoting them to rise above ordinary levels to face the competitive world. The department of EEE has embarked on undertaking research projects in harnessing & utilization of solar power and in enhancing power quality. The EEE department of TEC has sophisticated and well equipped labs with all modern machinery which also encourage students to undertake projects internally.
Total Seat | 70 |
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. The engineering field requires a vast understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis.
Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, motorized vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices and more. Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 19th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in such fields as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology. Mechanical engineering overlaps with aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and petroleum engineering to varying amounts.